The Migrant Integration in the Mid-21st Century: Bridging Divides research program is dedicated to building a new understanding of the challenges and opportunities that migrant integration poses for Canada (and all countries) locally and across borders.
The program’s unique interdisciplinary research design will drive leadership in the areas of citizenship and civic participation, the future of work, healthcare, and the responsible and ethical use of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, which is changing the way we work, live and interact. This intersectional approach will further the modernization of global immigration policies and contribute to building communities and urban centres that are equitable, resilient and inclusive to migrants.
The program will focus on the urban context, including both large urban centres and small- and mid-sized cities, as these are the main destinations of both newcomers and settled immigrants.
This project is funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF)
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